It’s been a GREAT day at NJHS!! We are THRIVING!! 🧡🖤

Anyone can balance a popsicle stick on their finger, but can you do it standing vertically with a pipe cleaner and washers? These students in Mrs. Hernandez’s science classes achieved the challenge using the Engineering and Design Process.

Students in Coach Smith’s class are learning about the first 10 Presidents of the United States. ❤️🤍💙

Shoutout to our first week’s standout students! Teachers gave out good behavior tickets all week long, and these were our lucky drawing winners! 🧡🖤

Students in Mrs. Hernandez’s ESL class determined their speaking and listening skills today through an activity.

Students in Mrs. Dorsey’s class did an escape room today!! 🤩👏🏼

Students in Mrs. Conant's Computer Science Robotics classes practiced problem solving skills by making aluminum foil boats and seeing how many pennies they could hold!

Tonight! Jr. Scrappers vs Hope! 6:00 pm Scrapper Stadium!

NHS Student Luis Maya who is the Arkansas FCCLA 1st Vice President shared some of the many benefits along with his personal experiences FCCLA has to offer with 8th grade FACS students today at NJHS. If your child is interested in joining FCCLA students may pick up an application in front of the office or from Ms. Hanney.

Thank you First Baptist Church!

We had a GREAT day Two!!! 🧡🖤 #THRIVE

Open House is in full swing! We are here until 6:00! Come pick up schedules and meet your teachers!

Thank you so much to our JH Cheerleaders for helping us get ready for OPEN HOUSE!!!! 🧡🖤

Our faculty appreciated all the cool giveaways at our back to school meetings this week! Thank you to local businesses and community members for your contributions!

📓The NJHS Office will be closed Tuesday, August 9th, until 1pm. ✏️

NJHS teachers were back in full force today!!! We had fantastic meetings, and are planning BIG things for the coming year. We can’t wait to get students in the building next week!!
❤️Mrs. Parker

Also helping to coach our a Junior High Scrappers is Coach Ahren Turner!! Coach Turner will teach PE/Health, as well. Welcome to Nashville, Coach!! We’re proud to have you!!! 🧡🖤🏈

More new Staff Members!!! Y’all help us welcome Coach Adam Greenfield to the NJHS fam!! Coach Greenfield will be coaching Junior High Football, and we are excited to have him!! Big things in store for the Junior High Scrappers!!! 🧡🖤🏈

Thank you, Countryside Nursery, for donating new plants for the JH porch!! 🧡🖤

Y’all help us welcome Mrs. Kailee Hamilton to the crew!! Mrs. Hamilton is a Scrapper from way back! She’s coming to us from the Elementary to teach Algebra. Welcome, Mrs. Hamilton!!! 🧡🖤